The Wicked, Part 1
The absences of controlling one's actions when evil thoughts reaches the mind!
Many schools has placed books in front of us dark and caramel skin children, telling us how much we should read them, so we can learn about where we are coming from. From the primary to the high schools, and even beyond that, we of African descendants were often encouraged to learn more about our past; where we had come from and how we became to be living in our present circumstances.
The majority of these books tell of the same stories; black people being chained with irons on both hands and feet, allowing them very little mobility as they made their way across the Atlantic Ocean and into the Americas and the Caribbean. Where they were continuously whipped and lashed for not moving too swiftly and at other times, for no reason at all. And in this detrimental stage of passage resisted little; because I presumed, their minds were out of sync or harmony with their now new and troubling reality.
How could these people, ever come to terms with these constant lashings, the bruising, the branding, the scorching of the skin, the hard labor in the blazing sun hot? And then followed, the rape of both men and women, and possible children, which was done to them without obscurity from their own slave masters; breathing into their being a new kind of spirit. Demonizing and emasculating their strength, soul and self-worth; causing many to seek death rather than to live.

Subliminally, presently creating mindsets - thoughts, ideas understandings and also perceptions of how one ought to behave when dealing with family members, employees and their community members and the society at large.
This violent and evil spirit has taken over the presences of these descendants from Africa; consuming the heart, mind and soul; the entire existence of fathers and mothers, and extended family members. Causing the majority of them to be now solving their problems and differences with mostly violence and no sense of reasoning. Or, the idea that I could row with you today, but certainly, I'll need you tomorrow.
Where in God's name, does a mother get the will power to burn her own child with a blazing hot iron from a coal stove, or kick her daughter mercilessly when she is unable to understand her personality or her sense of reasoning?
Not from the mother land!
Why do a father or any grown man, believes that he can rape, sexually assault a female child or even a male child for that matter without any consequences?
Not from the mother land!
How comes a man would suddenly find the courage and strength to just hack another man or even the woman who has bore his child without fear, trembling or remorse?
Not from the mother land!
My conclusion is, this is so because, such behaviors are buried into his or her psyche since the spirit of man always lives on, whether inside of us or around us, during those vicious activities of the slave trade operation.
The fright, the fear, and the will to attack is all knitted up in our souls, and in our psyche, allowing us to be lashing out whenever we as troubling souls feel afraid, uncomfortable or threatened in any way or fashion. Because just like our DNA, the spirits of our forefathers and mothers, still dwells within us. And that is why our quiet moments of reflection and meditation will bring us to tears for no reason whatsoever.
But, how do we obliterate this force we now know to be heartless, destructive and not apart of who we really are as a people?
There are many laws that has been put in place by government bodies, decades after decades trying to rectify many of these actions of cruelty that we as human beings have been experiencing among ourselves on a daily basis. But still yet, the problems of violence, abuse, and hatred still continues to linger among us, and in our world at this present moment.
Some persons believe, the only way to set themselves free from this beastly presence in their lives, is to return to the mother land 'Africa' where their fore parents had been taken from, so they could unleash from them this force or energy that doesn't belongs in their souls. Liberating themselves from this control of evil that has consumed and confused their entire life one generation after the other. And then and only then, they would probably regain the peace, love and self-control that their ancestors naturally exudes.
Luckily, many has made their way all the way over to the black continent, returning with good news about their roots, while others who have gone there, refuse from ever setting foot back to the Western Hemisphere ever again. Claiming and rebuking that such a place had stolen their true identity and self-worth.
While others were on the next plane back to the western hemisphere, complaining that they weren't well received, and wanted to wash their hands clean of the black continent.
I, a gem of the sixties, have seen and experienced many of those same hostile behaviors, done by this atrocious spirits which were pasted down by the slave trade. And many lifting their voices in hopes of curving or stopping these acts of inhumane treatment to continue in and among our people and society. Such as Martin Luther King, Junior, Marcus Garvey, and Rosa Parks who refuse from moving to the back of the bus to sit.
For the past ten years or so, I have come to realize, there were an increase in violence among people in general and mainly among the descendants of Africa residing in the western side of the world.
Which many of these attacks were done in Jamaica, other Caribbean islands and Chicago of the Unites States.
And I thought to myself: "This shouldn't be happening, especially now with the great invention of the internet and people are able to converse with each other all over the world if they wanted to. Learning about new cultures without even setting a foot in the country. A new revelation is about to unleash all across the globe that the damnable and harmful one doesn't want persons to know about; sending them to their graves with the knowledge that they are noting but mere slaves. Taking on the titles and burden not deserving of them. When in fact, they were sweet, calm and loving people who were freely roaming around the lands of Africa enjoying their lives and nature without bruises or blemishes on their dark and strongly built bodies."
Nonetheless, we all can easily agree that the slave trade with its introduction of hanging, lynching, brutally beating another human being; sometimes to death, violent raping of men, women and children, and having them living in deplorable living conditions has done nothing improve humanity or the world at large.
But like wild fires, it has done nothing but promote centuries of violence, hate and an inhumane way of life for the descendants of Africa who had very little love and support from those around them in this strange land they were thrust into. While many joined in the atrocious pack because of fear, as others stood by silently, too weak to speak out about these brutal treatment and terror towards a small group of people who forcible wore iron shackles on both their hands and feet, and generations later, on their minds.
Now the big question lingers in the air, why has repatriation taken so damn long for them?
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