Time to Stop The Slave & Sex Trade of Children?
Reaping & Raping
Similar to reaping fruits from a tree; some ripe and others not so ripe. is the same exact thing happening to the young children all across the border, both rich and poor. It's just a shame, that at this time in our the human being existence, young men and some women find it in their hearts to go around snatching away children from wherever they can find them and then bring them into a life-style of ill repute.
There are so many information available to the citizens of the globe on how to improve themselves, and some of this information is totally free to those who are interested in making a difference in their own lives and that of their siblings. But yet still, some choose to indulge themselves in a life of crime and disdain in our society. Kidnapping young girls and boys, some barely out of their diapers, and have them being involve in kinds of racketeering; from pushing drugs to selling their undeveloped bodies for sex.
Has the world gone several steps backwards instead of forward?
Where are the preachers, the politicians, and the policing organizations to pull their muscles together and combat this terrible criminal activity that seems to be taking over our communities and our world?
Every single night there is a broadcasting on the television that another child is gone missing who was last seen wearing their school uniform.
Should every child be assigned a shopper-on every time they leave out of their parent house to go to school, to the park, or to go shopping?
Is having a shopper-on for each child going to be our newest trend in society today?
And how many parents can actually afford to pay a shopper-on for their child each time they leave for school or to go on the streets?
Governments and leaders - all the relevant authorities; we need help!
Please, don't just sit back on your high and very cushioned chairs and ignore this catastrophic dilemma to continue with its destroying of young lives, families and communities.
Much more is needed to be done to protect our children because this is a very serious matter; lives are being lost and some are being used for sex, or the pleasuring of some old turbot who is a sex offender or doesn't have the ability to go searching for a woman is own age.
Frustrating to say, but I am done counting the amount of young girls that are gone missing, and what I have counted is only those whose names have been broadcast on the evening news. Hence, there must be many more cases out there that hasn't reached the news desk or was reported by a friend or family member.
Whatever that is necessary to be done, let it be done, so the children names can stay off the walls of tears and onto their high school diplomas and certificates.
Sad to say, but whether it's getting stiffer sentences for these heartless criminals, monthly property searching to find out where these children are being hidden, or start giving the children some form of digital tag to know their whereabouts each time they leave off their school premises. A technology similar to those the prisoners wear whenever they are on house arrest. It could be fashioned to be worn around the child's wrist, in her hair, on a boy's belt, or just some place on the body that it would remain safe and not easily detected.
Let us not as a nation and a citizen of the world let this degrading practice continue with our children.
Let them not see this as the norm or believe that no one cares for them in their times of desperation and trouble. Let them know that someone cares and is fighting on their behalf.
So, leaders, please start acting on this matter of finding our children now and returning them home.
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