Inability to control ones vicious response when cruel challenges arise

The results from the salve trade to the Western Hemisphere has causes many detriments in the lives of many people who are descendants from the mother land we call; Africa. Allowing a complete new culture in the people in which it had possessed and controlled for many of decades upon til recently as the 1960s. 
The slave era has only breathe into the lives of its victims, a growing mind-set of violence and hate for the many years that it was followed; causing many black parents to handle their relationships with violence and cruelty, a very questionably phenomenon. 
Which brings me to talk about the main character in this narrative.

Nelly, after boring the total of ten children, losing one who was poisoned at a very early age, was a mother who ruled with a
concrete heart and an iron fists.
She was a mother who take a burning hot iron and slam it on the back of one of her female child, leaving that triangle mark in the center of her back that tells she was branded by the cruel hands of her mother. She would constantly curse at her teenage  girls, telling them they should prepare themselves to leave out of her house, if they should ever get pregnant and become apart of the teenage mother statistic. She would ask one of her teenager to expose her private parts in front of all her other siblings, both male and female as if, it was a polite thing to so. 

And when overcome with fear, shame, or the gut feeling that such actions wasn't right or appropriate for her to be doing. and refused from following through with this disgracing act which was requested of her. The young child was then called by her own mother, in front of the entire family, some of the most deplorable names ever been called by anyone in history. Leaving the poor child's self-esteem and inner confidence crushed to the ground, causing her to question, if her mother had any true love for her. But this would only be a small highlight of what would follow later down the road.

Constantly, filled with some form of inner rage, Nelly would always carryout some of the most bizarre actions in the rearing of her children. Because that is all she knew and have seen her entire life. The continuous beating and lashing, to get ones point across, to be heard or get a task done right away or in a specific way. 

That wasn't only happening with Nelly, but also, her common-law husband, Christopher. And also other household in their community and surrounding areas because it was the culture. But Nelly's household seems to be the worse one of all when it came down to the mental and physical abuse of the children they were responsible for. Actions that, if ever were to happen in this modern era, would send Nelly and her common-law husband off to prison for a very long time. 

One of Nelly's cruel actions I remember, was she asking her eleven year-old daughter to wash some cloths down by the river. And upon returning home with the pan of washed clothing, Nelly carefully examined all the clothing which the child had just brought back from the river. And because they weren't done to Nelly's liking, she took all the clothing off the line, flung them on the ground, and rolled them there in the dirt for a while, and then told the child to go back to the river and wash all the clothing over; again.

Another devilish action that was done to one of Nelly's children while growing  up. This time, by the father's hands, who was usually quiet, but filled with a violent temper and who claimed that he loved his children. After not getting the response he was expecting from one of his sons, he violently beat the boy so badly, causing all his incisor - the front teeth inside his mouth to shift terribly; both top and bottom. 

Looking back, I can see how merciless they were to their own children!

Thankfully, plastic surgery was invented, so the boy could later remove those damaged teeth from the front of his mouth which had him looking like a character in a scary movie and replace them with dentures.

One of these same kinds of beating were done once again to one of the youngest girl child in the family, causing her to turn blue in the face, as her own father held her by the neck; squeezing the life out of her tiny body. And those witnessing this evil act; to be filled with fear and go running for help so they could  stop this detrimental  and near death experience from happening in front their very eyes .

Luckily, a police vehicle was passing by the yard right in time and stopped after being flagged down by one of the witnesses, and then asked to intervene in the serious matter. Now causing the girl's father to lose his grip from around the child's neck and distance himself from the now coughing and choking young girl.

"What's wrong with you man, The policeman ask, "You want to go to prison for killing your own child... own daughter?"

"No officer!"
Christopher responded while staring at the choking child with disdain on his face.

"She is too damn fasty!"
 Christopher then lashed out as he, stepped forward, reaching for the child's neck once again.

Causing the police officer to quickly jump from his vehicle and in between, child and father while he seriously ask; "Do you really want me to bring you to jail today... because all that I have just came here and seen, calls for me cuffing you and dragging your ass off to jail!"

The tone of the officer had done much, and everyone could see the countenance on Christopher's face, rapidly changing from violent and anger to fear and shame.

"No, Sir, I don't want to go to jail!"
Christopher spoke sorrowfully.

"So why are you treating your own daughter like this, as if, you want to squeeze the life out of her, and send her off to an early grave? You don't love your daughter or your other children?"
The officer went on to ask with much concern showing in his eyes.

"Yes Sir, I love my daughter and all my other children too Sir!"
Christopher responded almost to tears. 

"Well, don't you ever put your hands on any of your children like this again, or else, I'll come back here and arrest you; you got me! Because man who love them pickiny don't treat them like this; so expect to go to jail and remain there for a very long time uf your raise your hands on them again!" 
The officer warned.

"No Sir, I wont do that again, Sir!"
Christopher replied.

"This is my last and final warning, and I won't warn you again but come here and have you arrested! You understand me!"
The officer echoed firmly.

And with much sadness and fear bursting through his brown eyes, Christopher shamefully promised the police officer and the accompanying officer, that he would never carryout such an act of assault on any of his children again.

 But would he comply?

Pity, the police officers weren't called  couple years prior to this incident, when Christopher had beaten on of his little girls so severely while Nelly stood by and said nothing. Causing many from the same community to come running by Nelly's and Christopher's yard after hearing the heartfelt screams of the child Christopher was beating mercilessly. Just because she hadn't comprehend correctly what he was commanding of her to do.

He had used a bicycle brakes to beat that poor child so badly, leaving the black rubber from the bicycle breaks imprinted on the child's skin. It was one of the mothers living at a distance who had overheard the horrendous screams of the child, ran to the scene, and with much bravery and boldness, intervened and pleaded with Christopher to show some mercy to his own little girl. It was a beating that poor child would never forget! And even if she wanted to, she couldn't. Because the heavy repeated striking from the bicycle breaks had left permanent marks on her body; locking in her memory the day she was almost beaten to death by her own father.

These kinds of beating were done in the same manner to the boys as well as the girls, leaving them with some from of bodily effect; and for many years, breathing a spirit of fear inside every single child living inside that household. 

Similar to the activities of the slaves, all these children knew was hard work, follow the rules of not only their parents; but also, those of the adults living in the same community as well. Without them having any say in whatever was being preached or said to them. There were never any form of happy birthdays, or I love you, spoken around them, ever. It was  only the orders given and the marching responses they would make as it was commanded to the children. Just like how the slave masters use to treat those working on the plantation or under their control. This kind  of child rearing and upbringing is what our society has inherited today.

And the same cockiness and entitled attitude of mainly those in the white race, same way it's equally inherited by some of these white folks offspring. Leaving many of them to feel fearful, and accommodating a very hateful spirit, if they are not the pilot of the ship or controlling certain places or certain people around them.

If you thin I am lying, watch Doctor Phil!

Very recently this kind of behavior to control was shown when President Trump's election was in motion or campaigning; as a black girl entered the auditorium where mainly white people were gathered. And soon persons began pushing her back and forth, as if, she wasn't a human being. And just like decades ago with slavery, no one was quick to step in and rescued her from the hands of these white men who wanted to knock the crop out of her. Who was no more than eighteen. The men in the crowd were shoving her back and forth while everyone else just stood there watching this happening to her. Because, they just didn't felt as though she belonged there being a dark skin person.

The quickness for some persons to be violent and inflict pain on others, because that's the way they were molded and raised in their environment to do.  
For me, it's mainly the very contradictory preaching of the gospel and some of the laws put in place by the governmental bodies which has caused some of the brutal actions to cease in our society as we speak. 

But, viewing some sites on social media shows that their are many places in the world that still hold the spirit and practices of slavery close to their dear hearts; refusing from letting it go. Because, they feel the urge that they should be in control over another persons life. Which is never for the good, but only for the bad or for the negative purposes. Example; Young girls in Nigeria being kidnapped from their school and held by men with guns for almost a year, some even being raped. And many others who keep on disappearing  or missing from their schools and communities all over the Caribbean and in the Americas.

As it were, in the days of legal slavery, only the masters of the slaves and their family who  were permitted to possess guns. In these modern times though, it's a different story. Almost every single young man and some older ones too, wants to have one of these killing machines in their possession, so they could be in control of illegally regulating or governing someone else's life. Although, the popular talk is, they need it to protect themselves because they have a right to do so.

For those of us who have seen the senseless killings done to our friends, families, and neighbors are left to ask ourselves; what can be done to end this madness of violent deaths?
Then the slave and sex trade issues, and this need to be in control of another human being's life when he or she doesn't desire for it to be so.

I don't know if it's going to take fasting and praying to rid us of these evil, sex and slave spirits which has been consuming our way of life. But one thing I do know, we cannot stand by idly and watch them destroy us any further. Because that is exactly what it does, destroys lives starting from the very young. Possessing man's flesh to rape the young, killing their self-esteem, allowing them to be walking in shame; probably for the rest of their natural lives. It has crippled us for far too long and the time has come for it to be eradicated from us.


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