
The act of growing is very important just like the trees on the land, it grows, blossoms and then bears fruits. So are we human beings; not only must we grow physically, but also mentally, spiritually, emotionally, educationally and financially. And the lack of growth in whatever area of life, is nothing but stifling and oppressive to the human spirit. Especially, in the areas of education and financial progression, and must be condemned and abolish totally from our society and our world.

Our creator fashioned us to develop and increase in all areas of our lives!

Some of the contributing factors to the lack of growth is poverty, racism, fear, illiteracy and spiritual wickedness in high places, and another name for this; is simply "Bad Mind".
Bad mind, is when persons sees your ability and do everything in their power to keep you down, or instigate or plot malicious actions against someone so they are unable to thrive, proper or fulfill their dreams and aspirations. And many persons who encourages or endorses this kind of behavior, knows exactly what they are doing and are usually secretively tattle tales managers.

And many of those kinds of persons are in high positions in our society today, claiming that persons should change from whatever criminal life they are condoning; but, as soon as they have seen a persons resume, stating an unfavorable zip-code or address, or past experiences; example, being in a prison or have a life as a prostitute, they will throw that persons resume in the bin even though they have met the qualifications they are requesting.
We all need a helping hand and money to flourish... money is what pays all the bills!

Who can flourish or thrive with this kind of hypocrisy in our society? 
Who are helping those who needs to be raised up... giving them an helping hand to reach the next level of the  ladder they are aspiring to climb?

There is a quote that says:
 "No man or no one is your friend, if he or she prevents you from growing or improving yourself."

It is now full time for our society and our world to stop demeaning others and where they are in life and give them that job or helping hand so they can remove themselves from the gutters of  their environment. Because, no matter how they had gotten here on this earth and whatever had led them to a life of disrepute, most likely, their fore parent were also existing in lack, it is now the right time for the government to create laws and programs to assist the poor and the marginalize in our world, so they and their children will be able to climb the ladder and make a change for the next generation in their family and in their communities so our world can be prosperous.

Stop putting politicians in power who are not implementing rules, regulations, financial and educational growth for the wider society, and only for creating opportunities for a few whose area code doesn't carry the scorns, the rolling of the eyes and the look of disgust whenever mentioned.

I have personally seen the revolution of families including my own; trying desperately to remove themselves from out of the gutters of life, by any means necessary, and how difficult this transformation is and can be, especially when there is little or no education allowing proper articulation of what one might be in need of especially, in areas of finding jobs, dealing with the law, and trying to obtain property or a business investment.
And I'm sure the Government can see the destitution of the face of the people who are in need! A great presences of hopelessness in the air for many who have tried and being knock down again and again!

Could repatriation - a deportation of wealth; be the answers for many of the poor who are unable to grip the hands of hopefulness for what is left of their life and the lives of their offspring?

Somehow, I hope ruling governments in the Caribbean regions will start seeing this as a fast solution to many of their social problems. Because many do not get employed after reaching the age of 45 to 50, for more reasons than one, and neither will the bank lend them money them money to start a business for themselves, and many around them are in the same position as they are so very little sales will turn over for them to generate the income needed for them to advance themselves financially. But, with the repatriation funds, the government can exchange some of the collected funds for land where these people can build a home and plant their food.

Thank God, for leaders like President Donald Trump, who is making a fast turn around in American and putting many people back to work, regardless of those who are constantly criticizing and wishing for his demise.

Nonetheless, I must conclude by saying that now is the right time for those in authority, operating small businesses and who are able to aid or assist the poor or that youngster in the ghetto who needs to move on up; so he or she won't end up rubbing your business place, rubbing someone from the streets, or worst, causes some form of fatality because their existence seems quite hopeless.

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