Sacrificing Love for Money!
So many a time we meet persons in our lives that we feel that sense of connection to; allowing us to let down our guards and embracing them with full force because of that sensation of love we feel for them. In most cases, the conversation is very good and we get that nudge that we want and desire them into our lives. They will say all the right things to us, and sometimes, they will say that minuscule word, allowing us to pause for a brief moment and wonder to ourselves; what do they really have to offer us, or, are they really interested in us or just have their own underline agenda.
And just because of those feelings of tender affections, we ignore all the warning signs... all the red flags and then jump right in to start that relationship we will later come to realize is no good for us.
Until, another party comes along to open our eyes, if they are not already open, or we start asking pertinent questions that will put that love-spelled relationship in a withdrawn mode, telling the other party that our eyes are being opened to their conniving presences in our lives.
Was she digging for gold or searching for love?
A good friend of mine met a gentleman online and the connection was phenomenal. And after exchanging dialogue with him for a few times, he convincingly said that she was the one for him and she also felt the same way.
It was endless moments of loving conversations and sentimental words with many emoji to accessorize those affectionate words and their meaning, making them appear much more sweeter than they actually were. And soon, many promises were made that this wonderful man would be coming to see her and even made promise to her of turning her into a respected women - put a ring on her finger. She was very happy and I too was happy for her.
Was this the real deal... true love?
However, in one of their earlier conversation, this gentleman told my friend, he had a daughter and he was away working in a country other than the one that was home to him; America. And that his daughter was being cared for by a nanny who he will pay whenever he return home to the State from his contracted job overseas. Therefore, he is asking her to send some money to his daughter living in the State, so she could buy whatever snacks that she might be in need of. Being that it was a child, my friend was glad to take on such a task; because she wanted to please the man of her dreams and support him in his endeavors.
"Where or what could be the harm in that?" she asked herself.
But upon having one of their lovey-dovey conversation, the gentleman brought up the subject matter once again; this time asking her when would she be getting her pay check because he wanted her to send the money to aid his daughter in whatever her needs were.
But, question about the paycheck brought on another mood; jump starting thoughts in her mind that were quietly laying dormant in cerebral cortex of her skull. And soon, the lovey-dovey chattering was placed on hold and my friend began reasoning with herself; asking herself some serious questions about where this relationship was heading. And now, she began wondering, if this man was only trying to use her up for some spare change for whatever reasons he needed it for.
Like a fatal motor vehicle accident, stopping traffic in every direction, my friend drew the brakes on one of their sweet romantic talks, and began inquiring from her lover-boy if he had financial troubles, and if he did, she was in no position to help him out of it.
A very sad and touching reply came back to her; expressing to her how he felt very sad about asking her to assisting him in such a task of caring for his child, and how ashamed he was feeling. Then, there was a long pause... no more sweet chattering.
Immediately, the frequent textings stopped, and now my girlfriend as feeling quite guilty for throwing dirty water in the face of the man whom she felt she had so much connection with.
"Why didn't you tell me that you are having financial problems?" She ask harshly.
Obviously, she wasn't ready to let him loose just yet!
And as expected, no response came to comfort her guilt or to rehash their warm and loving romantic conversation.
Feeling very sad, my friend began searching one social media site hoping to see something that would suddenly evaporate her emotional wounds and make her forget about this handsome gentleman who she felt was her soul mate and who claimed he felt and declared likewise.
Nonetheless, not all hope was gone as my friend's cell phone gave off a pinging sound; letting her know someone had just texted her a message. And sure enough, it was her handsome gentleman friend, responding to the text she had previously sent him; trying to curve the guilt of her soul.
Just like the many other messages he had sent her before which were fill with romantic connotations, expressing how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, creating a home for both her and his daughter so they can have a happy and stable life together, forever.
But my friend, uncertain of his true intention, did not respond to that text which was filled with heart pouring words to her. But this gentleman wasn't ready to give up on her just yet regardless of what harsh words she had spoken to him. And soon after his contract abroad was ended, this gentleman found my girlfriend's residence thousands of miles away and surely, he got down on his knee and pop the big question.
Unfortunately for him, this gentleman filled with such romantic words, she kindly rejected his proposal. Because now she was with a man who didn't introduce her to any of his finally worries but aided her with some it while her heart bleeds for the man whose conversations with her made her felt as though they were born and built for each other.
Would my girlfriend ever wise-up and reconsider her action?
CCW Lady C
Would my girlfriend ever wise-up and reconsider her action?
CCW Lady C
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