Are Men Still a Dominant Force In the Household?

The Bible, clearly states that a man should be the head of the household.
 As the systems and cultures of our world changes around us today; many women takes on unconventional positions such as being engineers, construction workers and being surgeons in the operating rooms, oftentimes making much more money than the men in their lives. Some women also carries the weight of owning and operating their own businesses, buying their own homes and providing for the entire family, and even doing much more than I could ever care to mention.

But do these strong independent women care to have a man in their life?

Many women, knowing that they are and will always be the backbone of their tent or their palace.
Surprisingly, I have learned that many of these women making the big bucks and carrying the weight around the house financially, still wants a man in their life and wants that man to act or behave as if, he his the one ruling the palace or the pen. Sometimes some of these women in these kinds of relationship will give the man their hard earned paycheck, just so he can feel like he is worthy of holding the head of household status or position.

In many of these Christian countries around the world, this unusual strangeness is happening. And some of the reasons for this phenomenon is because women are the ones with the higher skills and education; going to colleges and university to secure their position in the workplace. Or, to own and operate their own businesses. And they still wants a man to sex them up and rule the household just as the Bible as stated for it to be.

The Bible also sates that God will do a new thing!

Majority of the women in the Western World strongly believes that the man's position is to be the breadwinner, the provider, the protector of the family and still sees the man's role in the house as pivotal and very important part in the daily running or operation of the household. So whether he is bringing in big bucks or not, a  large number of women wants that manly relationship in their homes because that makes them feel they have accomplish that part of life that declares one should have a man in their life. Which many sees as a successful milestone or trait.

Could this situation of a women being the main provider of the family be one of those new things the Bible made mention of?

What about the scripture that says, "It is not good for a man to live alone?"
But the wisdom in me ask, isn't it much better for one to live alone, rather than with a man who will treat one like crop - turning that person into their own beating stick?

 Now that a woman has formed a bond or a written commitment  with a male partner, the male sometimes become  unemotional towards that female needs... abusive, aggressive, and controlling towards her, the female partner. And who might also want you the woman to be submissive, passive, nurturing, and an emotional force of strength for him in tough times. Especially, whenever their health gets bad and they need you to be an instant doctor who will aid them back into good health. Whereby, the woman usually fall into the roll of being nurse or doctor hoping that her partner will see that warm and nurturing side of her and then do right by her when he is back on track... his good health has returned.

For some women, its the constant act of rejection by a man that tells them, they should find or create their own pathway in life, especially the financial one. Because, the man in their life, is never going to be the man they the women need or is expecting the man to be. For example; being by their side and giving them the support or the attention they are in need of throughout the relationship. Therefore, the realization of taking quick action to do the things necessary to make that woman's future life expectation a reality, must be done by her. Because, the man's actions are negative towards such. But, she still desires to have a good man in her life.

There are some women that I have known of who will not set eyes on a man ever again because she has been lied to, hurt and left to feel less than the person who she knows she is. Leaving her to forge forces with the lesbian coalition resulting in her marrying someone from her own sex instead of someone from the opposite sex - a man. And this is just because of the repeated let-down, bullying, name calling, shame, disappointment, embarrassment, and abuse she has experience with being with a male lover. 

She wasn't born that way, as many have declared! 

But not wanting to have this feeling of hurt or insecurity, she said, "To hell with it!" and seek a women to spend the rest of her life with.

Sometimes the man ends up in jail and their goes the woman going their to visit him; bringing him all kinds of stuff just so he can remain as comfortable as possible while being restraint from freedom. While she hopes that he comes home to her after his prison term is ended. But how many times does one sees a man pinning and waiting for a woman who is locked-up in jail or prison, so he can continue a life with her? Or, is working his but off to provide a home for her and have her being financially stable whenever she is release from the pen?
I would say such might have happened ver few times, if any at all!

I therefore must conclude, that regardless of the financial status of the man, all the trouble he has gotten himself into with the law, the insecurities some of them has entrusted upon some of us women, and the many rejection some of you men has bestowed upon us women for one reason or the other, most women still desire to have a man being the head of their household, just as The Master had design for you to be.


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