Fake Or Real Self

Big Trends That's Endangering  Women's Health!

Many women are trying to enhance themselves with fake breast, hoping that it will attract the right guy, make them look more desire to the man presently in their lives, and some female just want to have a certain look in their clothing. and then there are some who just want to compete with the other female in town or at the party who has a voluptuous top. 

 Stuffing cloth and toilet paper in the bosom so as to make them look bigger as been going on over the ages. And for most part, such as not caused any harm to anyone.

Realizing this trend among women, manufacturers have started making these pads or enhancers for the breasts, and now, they have gone a step further and created padding for the buttocks as well.
Having extra money available and the skillful hands of plastic surgeons, many women have gone under the knife, just to make the enlargement of their breast have a more natural appearance and feel to it. While those persons, both male and female, has boldly gotten and gone to have consultations to have their excessive breast reduced; a procedure known as Breast Reduction.proclaiming that the massive size of the breast has caused them to have severe pain in their backs.

However, a more serious trend has taken over our female adults which his causing sever danger to their health and well-being. Many of them are having all sorts of untested chemicals injected into their buttocks so as the give them that enlargement that they are seeking after. And this is no good for them.
These foreign substances that are bring injected into many of these women are causing the under layer of their skins and muscles to be inflamed and infected... spewing out pus and blood-water from their bodies. Or more correctly, their rear ends. And their is very little most of them can do to fix this problem. Because, they had it done by some backdoor want to be doctor, who is looking for a quick buck, and not by a licenses or professional doctor who can explain to them what exactly he or she is injecting into their bodies. Now, causing many of them to be walking around dripping pus, smelling stinky and unable to sit down on their asses comfortably.

 I know you have the right, to do whatever you want with your body, but please, consider the aftermath, and what your love ones will experience, if they had to stop to take care of you. Or, place you into some place before your time. I honestly don't think that's the life you would want for yourself or for your loved ones either.

Therefore, think before you pump-up your asses with cement or any other toxic fluids you know nothing about.


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