More About Yeast Infection

                Here is a list of foods that helps to promote Yeast Infection, in the female body!

  • White Rice
  • White Bread
  • Pure Flour Dumplings
  • Yams
  • Cassava 
  • Green Breadfruit (Boil Breadfruit)
  • Green Banana
  • Frequent use of some dairy products such as whole milk.
  • Sugar Promotes the Growth of Yeast.

The majority of these foods has one thing in common; and that is they are all starchy foods. And these kinds of food supply us with the energy we need to carryout our daily tasks. Therefore, we need to use them in moderation if we realize that we are constantly experiencing those little white spots, resembling cottage cheese, in our undergarments which are causing us to itch or feel some form of burning sensation in our vaginal region; causing much embarrassment at times.

Fore sure, these kinds of starchy food keep us women going to the drugstore to purchase a tube of Monistat 7 or Monistat 1, every time we come down with a case of Yeast Infection. One would think, something else would be around on the store shelves that would help us women eradicate this problem; like having a morning after pill, or something similar to that. So, we could enjoy the foods we love or like and don't have to worry about this great discomfort of an Yeast Infection in and on our bodies.

Some Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection: 

  • Insert a clove of Garlic wrapped into a piece of cheese cloth at bedtime.
  • Hydro Peroxide Mix With Water
  • Apply Yogurt to the Vaginal area
  • Increase your Cranberry intake

I strongly believe, now is the time for women to start speaking up about the issues that concerns them... if not now, then when?
Note: If none of the natural remedies work for you, then go and see your doctor or visit your local clinic; okay!

Trouble Don't Last Always... 

Tune in next time with Lady C!


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