BLACK PEOPLE AND THE CORONA VIRUS The report is that Black People and African Americans are dying at a more rapped rate than any other ethnicity due to the Corona Virus. Because the attack of the symptoms reveals itself differently in blacks than Asians, Caucasians, Chines, Spanish and others. But for me, the reports of the symptoms in China and other countries seems to be the same. However, the medical professionals are reporting that they are seeing internal bleeding which affects the organ call the lungs in black people; causing them to die at a faster rate than others. Because, they go and lay down whenever they are feeling ill resulting from the internal bleeding. And because of such, they die from the blood clotting, mainly in their lungs, but also at other major veins in their bodies. Therefore, if you feel yourself feeling ill, don't go and lay down. Try walking around a bit. Get some asprins to help dissolve the blood clots. People, please start gett...