
Showing posts from August, 2018
                               Bridges, Connectors of the World! Bridges are a very important part of our world, connecting us were it seems rather impossible for us to be connected. Often taking us over large and small body of waters, and very deep and shallow valleys where meeting and greeting other persons seems quite impossible. These, sometimes large and other times small structures has allow us the ability to travel to work, do business in unreachable places, and has helped us to take trips beyond our communities in times when trouble struck and we desperately are in need of emergency assistance. Many of the poorer communities in Jamaica and other Caribbean Islands in the region has been facing this serious problem of commuting back and forth in and around their neighborhood and surroundings areas. And this is only because their are no bridges for the citizen to commute back and forth or wherever they might need to travel to outside of their communities. I
                                                                                             THE WICKED, Part 2              Inability to control ones vicious response when cruel challenges arise The results from the salve trade to the Western Hemisphere has causes many detriments in the lives of many people who are descendants from the mother land we call; Africa. Allowing a complete new culture in the people in which it had possessed and controlled for many of decades upon til recently as the 1960s.  The slave era has only breathe into the lives of its victims, a growing mind-set of violence and hate for the many years that it was followed; causing many black parents to handle their relationships with violence and cruelty, a very questionably phenomenon.  Which brings me to talk about the main character in this narrative. Nelly, after boring the total of ten children, losing one who was poisoned at a very early age, was a mother who ruled w
                                              The Wicked, Part 1    The absences of controlling one's actions when evil thoughts reaches the mind! Many schools has placed books in front of us dark and caramel skin children, telling us how much we should read them, so we can learn about where we are coming from.  From the primary to the high schools, and even beyond that, we of African descendants were often encouraged to learn more about our past; where we had come from and how we became to be living in our present circumstances. The majority of these books tell of the same stories; black people being chained with irons on both hands and feet, allowing them very little mobility as they made their way across the Atlantic Ocean and into the Americas and the Caribbean. Where they were continuously whipped and lashed for not moving too swiftly and at other times, for no reason at all. And in this detrimental stage of passage resisted little; because I presumed, their minds we
                                           Rock-bottom                    Hearts and minds making their way out of the pit! She had give birth to five children with one man who hadn't proposed to her and who had treated her rather badly. But, she was wise enough to leave him and the one room shack that they were living into after learning and witnessing his womanizing behavior in front of her and the children they had created together. The big decision however, she would be only taking, the two youngest children with her, and leaving the three older ones with their father and one of the mistresses he often plaid around with in shack not too far away from where she was presently living with the five children she had bore this  philanderer. As anyone can clearly imagine, it was a pretty rough time for this young woman name Nelly, who was only around twenty-five or twenty-six years of age at the time. Having five children, an unfaithful man  and hardly any money to
                 Time to Stop The Slave & Sex Trade of Children?                                                 Reaping & Raping Similar to reaping fruits from a tree; some ripe and others not so ripe. is the same exact thing happening to the young children all across the border, both rich and poor. It's just a shame, that at this time in our the human being existence, young men and some women find it in their hearts to go around snatching away children from wherever they can find them and then bring them into a life-style of ill repute. There are so many information available to the citizens of the globe on how to improve themselves, and some of this information is totally free to those who are interested in making a difference in their own lives and that of their siblings. But yet still, some choose to indulge themselves in a life of crime and disdain in our society. Kidnapping young girls and boys, some barely out of their diapers, and have them being invol